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Andre talks about his journey, leveraging data effectively to improve sales performance, tools for improving sales process, much more.
Closing a high-value deal is no easy task. A deal desk streamlines the approval process of such deals, ensuring a smooth closure.
Q1 is over, and now is the time to step back and recharge your batteries to set the tone for the quarter, and the rest of the year.
The greatest sales people out there spend an unbelievable amount of time learning new methods and brushing up on their basics.
Learn what on-target earnings are, how they are calculated and how they can motivate your salespeople in our comprehensive guide.
Make your touch-base emails stand out so that you have a better possibility of converting your prospects into customers. Learn how to do it.
Hitting quota might be the outcome you may ultimately want to land but there are other goals that you need to keep an eye on.
Sales ramp-up time is the time a new sales rep takes before they can start carrying the full quota a seasoned rep carries in your team.