Revenue Operations

The RevOps Everboarding: What is It and Why It Matters

Siva Subramanian
min read
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Being in RevOps makes you a top pick for companies globally. But does it guarantee you success in this challenging field? The short answer is, NO!

RevOps as a concept was almost unknown a few years ago. Business leaders saw sales, marketing, and customer success as different parts of the go-to-market strategy. But this method was ineffective, led to poor communication between teams, and made it difficult to gather insights on where the money was coming from.

Things are very different now. RevOps is fast becoming a pivotal force in modern business. A lot of hyper growth companies are joining the RevOps bandwagon. The key reason is the function’s impact in revenue growth, productivity, and the ability to create alignment between sales, marketing, and customer success.

In fact, LinkedIn named RevOps as one of the fastest growing jobs in the U.S. twice in a row - 2023 and 2024.

So, this makes one thing clear: RevOps is here to stay.

But, what does it take to be consistently successful in the function? Enter Everboarding!

The Need for Everboarding in RevOps

Before we dive into this, let’s look at what Everboarding is: It's a continuous learning process that keeps you up-to-date with the latest trends, changes in the market, and the evolving needs of your job.

Source: Deloitte

As RevOps, you blend different processes and cultures to create alignment between teams, leverage data, and transform it into strategic insights that drive decision-making across the organization, manage tech stack, etc. All these only add to the complexity of the function. Often, there’s no clear, straightforward path. This means you constantly face new situations and ambiguities that you need to figure out. 

This is precisely why Everboarding is crucial for RevOps. Continuous learning isn’t just helpful; it’s necessary. Everboarding helps you stay on top of things, ensuring you’re not just surviving but thriving in your role.

The Importance of a Solid Onboarding

We saw why Everboarding is vital in RevOps, but let's not forget that everything starts with robust onboarding. Onboarding sets you up for success from day one in a new organization, ensuring you blend in smoothly. 

When you start a new RevOps role, it’s helpful to have a proper game plan for the initial few months. 

For a detailed action plan on what to do in your first 30, 60, and 90 days in RevOps, take a look at our guide, which also comes with a practical checklist to help you keep track of your progress.

Top 7 Strategies for Successful Everboarding in RevOps

Here’s a startling stat: As per Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve theory, an average human forgets nearly 98% of new info in just 30 days unless it’s actively reinforced. It turns out that just hearing something once doesn’t cut it if you want to remember it.  This is where Everboarding comes into play. It helps you create a structure to reinforce what you’ve learnt. 

You might not remember the exact method to solve the problem at hand and it happens, you are thrown so many curveballs in RevOps. Ensuring you build a network with RevOps leaders and communities, you'll quickly be able to collaborate, rediscover and ensure you are able to solve your problem effectively.

Plus, it also increases your productivity, and further reduces the skill gap, ensuring you are well-equipped to manage your role.

So, how do you adopt Everboarding in RevOps? Here are seven strategies to do it:

Shift Your Mindset

Onboarding often has a defined start and end. Whereas Everboarding emphasizes continuous learning. Sure, amidst the frequent firefights and urgent escalations typical in RevOps, it can be challenging to prioritize learning. However, embracing Everboarding is key to not just coping with challenges but excelling beyond them.

With this approach, you don’t just have to react to problems as they arise. You’ll be well-equipped with the latest strategies and tools to tackle them better. For example, regularly learning about new software tools can help you automate routine tasks effectively and free up more time to tackle complex issues, which you’d otherwise spend in busywork.

Move from being a Tactical to a Strategic Player

RevOps is often seen as a support role. But the truth is, the function holds significant strategic potential. Here’s why: It is cross functional, and has end-to-end business context. If you find yourself confined to playing a supporting role, you risk missing out on crucial on-the-ground insights that could be leveraged in strategic decision-making.

Explore these methods to step up as a strategic player:

  • Earn the trust of GTM teams by helping them understand the ground reality 
  • Automate repetitive tasks 
  • Learn to say "no" when necessary, providing solid reasons to support your decisions.
  • Use data to craft compelling stories.
  • Be proactive and initiate strategic tasks 

To know more on how RevOps can become a strategic partner, check out this comprehensive guide.

Build Your Professional Network

RevOps isn't something you can learn from a textbook alone. Businesses grow. Their priorities, objectives, and the market conditions change. This constant evolution means there is always something new to learn.

Engage actively in communities, webinars, and conferences to keep up with market trends and industry standards. Networking also opens doors to mentorship opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations that can enhance your understanding in RevOps. 

Wondering where to get started with this? We’ve got you covered. Here are some of the RevOps communities and courses for you to take a look at:

Document to Measure Progress

The impact of RevOps isn’t obvious right away - it could influence projects, increase efficiency, enhance productivity, or cut costs. It's important to document the before and after scenarios for your projects.  Always record the initial metrics - be it time, conversion rates, revenue, or other factors before kicking off any project. 

This practice allows you to clearly evaluate the effectiveness of your initiatives. By maintaining detailed records, you’d know what has worked, what hasn’t, and make informed decisions to continuously improve your processes and outcomes.

Skill Up

RevOps intersects with multiple domains - sales, marketing, customer success, and technology. With such a broad scope, staying updated and continuously enhancing your skills, especially in emerging technologies and methodologies, is incredibly beneficial. For instance, learning AI and machine learning, diving into advanced analytics, or honing your project management skills can significantly boost your strategic contributions, and your ability to manage cross-functional projects effectively. 

Moreover, enhancing your skills in these areas can lead to better problem-solving capabilities, improved decision-making, and a deeper understanding of how to leverage technology to drive business success. In essence, the more you know, the more you can contribute strategically, making your role in RevOps not just about oversight but about driving meaningful change.

Leverage Cross-Functional Collaboration for Learning

Schedule quarterly reviews with stakeholders to discuss the recent activities, current priorities, and the challenges in the process.

These sessions not only enhance the visibility and transparency of the RevOps function within the organization but also provide a perfect opportunity to receive direct feedback. Your marketing team may share insights on challenges they face with lead quality, while sales leadership may provide updates on pipeline health or deal closures, all contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the business landscape. By integrating their feedback, the RevOps team can adjust strategies and processes to better align with the company's objectives.

These meetings also ensure that everyone is on the same page and are moving towards the same goals. Additionally, these regular check-ins foster stronger relationships and promote a collaborative environment. 

Engage with Thought Leaders

RevOps is growing at a massive pace, and the function is sure to play a vital role in the growth of many more businesses worldwide. By following industry leaders who regularly share practical tips and real-life examples, you’ll get a clearer idea of what strategies might work for your organization, and which ones might not, allowing you to make informed decisions and implement successful practices. Plus, it’s another great way to keep up with the latest trends too.

We’ve also got a list of influencers you should definitely follow:

Final Thoughts

Now you know what it takes for long-term success in RevOps. Remember, your learning doesn’t stop after the first three months on the job—it’s an ongoing commitment. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities for growth, making it crucial to prioritize continuous learning. By embracing everboarding as a permanent part of your professional development, you equip yourself to adapt easily to changes and lay the groundwork for a stellar career in RevOps!

P.S. Thanks to Saranya Narayana Swamy, Senior Manager - Revenue Insights at Chargebee, for sharing her inputs for this blog post! 

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